Monday, July 1, 2013

Story Update

Hi All

Just a short note to let you know I’ve about ¾  of Part 3 of Amongst Women  written and hoping to finish and post it later this week. I had hoped to have it posted last week and get part 4 started,  but “the best laid plans” etc. etc. I know I sound like a broken record but time really is a major issue and while I have the plot/ideas in my head, transferring them into something approaching a readable style is a difficult and time consuming process for me. I hope you understand and bear with me.

Again sounding like a broken record ( but very important) – many thanks to all who took the time to comment and to those who ticked the interesting and more boxes I really appreciate the kind words, encouragement and support, it’s great so many like it, just hope I can meet your expectations with the next instalment.



Anonymous said...

Don't worry Carrie, you always write so well and each instalment is well worth waiting for.

Gina Vizavi said...

Can't wait to read more! The story is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gina. Carrie writes a wonderful story, she makes it all sound very credible whilst at the same time giving us exactly the kind of fantasy so many of us enjoy.

Much of the credit also goes to Bea for setting the scene so imaginatively at the outset. If you have not already done so, it is well worth going back and re-reading the whole "A Wee Bit of Fun" story right from the very beginning.

I'm hoping to add to the saga again myself with a few more short "Back to School" episodes, once Carrie has taken "Amongst Women" as far as she intends. Part of the fun is to add to the story without contradicting previous chapters, not easy with more than one author! So I'm going to wait until we have seen at least the two further episodes which Carrie is currently planning.

Meanwhile, like you Gina, I can't wait to read the remainder of Jack's adventures "Amongst Women" and see just where Carrie takes him next. LG xx

Anonymous said...

It looks like we've got some great instalments to look forward to. We love this story and cant wait to read the next part soon.

Lupemaid said...

wonderful story please more

Anonymous said...

Please keep this story going, its got so many exciting possibilities for Jackie's future.