Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Dress That Inspired a Story

I have just purchased a dress that inspired one of my stories and if you want to know the details, please read the post below.

As I might have already mentioned, I spend quite some time watching all sorts of TV shows because I very much enjoy seeing the lady presenters and the pretty clothes they are wearing. Judging by the multitude of youtube channels dedicated to such content, I am apparently not alone in this [hobby]. Though I can’t say what the other viewers get from such content, to me it is, in all intents and purposes, nothing short of pornography. Perhaps an especially dangerous form of pornography as it is even more readily available than the regular stuff. While it does seem work safe from the outside (at least until I lose control and whip it out), it can consume an enormous amount of time. I can easily spend an hour going through the TV archives and I even compiled a database of wardrobe pieces that are worn by multiple presenters at different times. More often than not, seeing an especially alluring outfit will inspire me to start writing a story. Usually, these stories never progress beyond the point of a fragment, but every once in a while, I manage to write one from start to finish.

The dress in question was worn by a presenter that, for a long time, had worn only pants on camera. Not that there was anything wrong with that, since a) anyone should be free to wear whatever they wanted and b) she is an attractive lady and looked very good in the pants she wore, and she did wear them along with pretty blouses and heels anyway. She wasn’t the only presenter to eschew skirts on screen, but somehow the idea of seeing her wear one did obsess me. I’d scan the whole TV archive of shows, but with no luck, and all I could do was to wait for her to appear on screen and that, as the camera panned out, the garment below her waist would not split into two separate legs. This went on for years. She could be gone off air for months at a time, only to reappear in her usual attire.

Until one summer day, when she did the day show wearing a pale blue sleeveless top and a pair of tight black pants, but for the evening show, she wore a black, sleeveless A-line dress, cinched with a pretty pink belt. Over the course of the following weeks, she’d be either in pants or in a dress, but after a month or so, the floodgates opened and it was only dresses for her from then on, even up to present day. The dresses she’d wear at that time were all of the same style, sleeveless or short sleeved, knee length, tight at the bodice and full skirted. Not the variation a connoisseur of my calibre would wish for, but considering it was her that was wearing them, I was not going to complain. After all, the dresses, albeit similar to one another, were all rather pretty, but one of them especially caught my eye. You can see it here in the picture, a yellow dress with a choker neckline. I remember looking at how the pleats of the skirt swayed as she turned away from the camera and walked off screen at the end of the show.

About a year later, I wrote the story Proof, which you can read on fictionmania. There are various degrees to which the outfits that inspired a story are actually featured in the story, but in Proof, I’d say that the dress plays quite a central role. Maybe it was something about that high neckline, combined with the pleated skirt that drew me to it, who knows.

About two years ago, I discovered an internet store that sells second hand clothes at reasonable prices and with a reasonable service (free returns) and not before long, this too became my new porn, but this time it is my credit card that I whip out when my passion gets the best of me. So anyway, there I was, doing my daily browse through the new items when I, by chance, spotted a dress I thought I had already seen before.


It was the dress. While I was weighing the pros and cons, someone bought it and the dress was removed from the site, but apparently they returned it and the dress was re-listed. This time around, I couldn’t help myself and pulled the trigger. Imagine my excitement when it arrived. Now, I am not going to post any pictures, but you will be happy to know I am wearing it as I type this blog post.

I wasn’t even sure if I would keep the dress at all - it was quite pricey, by far the most expensive garment I’d bought on that site, and rather plain, being made of cotton, whereas I naturally favor silk or at least 100 % polyester made to imitate it, and it is not even lined. Though after trying it on, I might change my mind because that yellow tone is nothing short of fantastic when it hits your eyes, and the pleats do move prettily when I walk. Since it’s unlined, it means I can wear one of my pretty slips underneath, and of course, there is something about that choker neckline…


Anonymous said...

I do not have time to fully respond to your post at this moment, but I wanted to say thank you for the glimpse into the mind of an artist I greatly admire. I am left wondering how you ever get anything done when women’s clothing so mesmerizes you!

Rosie said...

Hold on now, I do still get on with my day!

You're making it sound like obsess about women's clothes is all I do. If that were indeed the case, I wouldn't post so little and so far in between on this blog, that's for one thing.

Jokes aside, I do appreciate your feedback (and of other readers, too).

Re: the dress, I've just cut the tag off, it's a keeper!